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Somalia: Warshiekh District, Middle Shabelle - Monthly health care report no. 03, 05 Nov 2008


1. Health care section: Warsheik District- Middle Shabelle

2. Report title: Monthly health care report: Report number: 03

3. Project identification: UNICEF Somalia/ csz/yh101&yn102/03/2008/1028

AWP reference: YH101/03/01, 02, 03, 05


4. Introduction/background information:

Shardo is non governmental and non profit organization operating in south central Somalia, having offices at Mogadishu, Jawhar and Warsheikh districts. Shardo's operation is made possible by the assistance of some international and UN agencies. We Have partnering relationship with many international and UN agency, among these are UNICEF assisting primary health care Warsheikh district, Somali intellectual Banadir organization (SIBO) assisting Warsheik primary education and Gothenburg initiative (GI) assisting vocational trainings in Karan ,Jowhar and Warsheik. SHARDO Organization registers Jowhar and Warsheik districts. Shardo is community owned organization having endorsement and recognition from the communities of middle shabelle and the local authorities in the most of south central Somalia.

Shardo had entered an agreement with UNICEF - Somalia on implementing primary health care project in the Warsheik district of middle shabelle, the project duration is 12 months, the aim of the project was to provide primary health services for more 22,000 people living in and around the district of which 880 are infants (u1) 4400 of the population are children under five years where as 1,100 of the population are pregnant mothers.

Similar projects have been implemented on yearly bases with the assistance of UNICEF support during the years of 2006, 2007. So this project is the continuation of the previous project activities of the primary health care in the district.