During February - the third month of the Pilot Phase for UNHCR support to Somalia refugee returns from Kenya – a total of 497 Somalis returned to areas of origin in Somalia. The six months Pilot Phase offers support to Somali refugees in Kenya who origin from Luuq, Baidoa and Kismayo. Since the launch of the six months Pilot Phase on 8 December 2014 and until end of February, 1,954 persons have received support to return and reintegrate. Return updates are published on weekly via @UNHCRSom
A new UNHCR supported garment factory in Galkayo and a carpentry/welding workshop employing members of the IDP and host community, has been established as part of UNHCR’s Seeds for Solutions Projects. Production and marketing is ongoing with orders were received directly from local individuals, companies and mosques including: 60 school uniforms for boys and girls, 1,600 sanitary kits, 345 bed sheets and 69 items incl. school chairs, doors, gates and cupboards. The factory is open for orders – contact UNHCR for more information.
In Somaliland, the Ministry of Education’s approve access to national education for refugee and asylum seeker children. UNHCR continues advocacy and helps prepare to enroll refugees and asylum seeker children for the coming scholastic year.
In South Central, construction of a larger Border Way Station in Dhobley is at the final stage. The permanent Way Station will strengthen the refugee return infrastructure, along with the temporary Border Way Station already and Home Way Stations in the three pilot areas of return (Kismayo, Luuq and Baidoa). The new Border Way Station in Dhobley will have a daily capacity of 250 persons with access to basic services including accommodation, hot meals, clean water, sanitation and medical assistance.