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Somalia: Tropical Cyclone Emergency Plan of Action Preliminary Final Report - Operation n° MDRSO002


Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

The Tropical Cyclone Emergency Appeal was launched in December 2013 to assist households affected by the tropical cyclone disaster that hit Bari and Nugaal regions of Puntland, Somalia on the 10 November 2013.

A total of 142,380 persons were affected by the disaster, with 8,523 households being worst hit and 1,435 households having lost all their livestock.

From the onset of the disaster, IFRC mobilized resources to support the SRCS to respond by providing relief services to the affected people through various interventions. These include increasing access to health care delivery services through the deployment of the mobile health clinics to the nomadic communities in the remote areas, distribution of Non-Food items to the affected families, rehabilitation of water sources and conducting hygiene awareness campaigns in the affected areas.

In November 2013, IFRC operational support team trained 23 SRCS staff and volunteers from Garowe and Bosaso branches in Puntland on field needs assessment. The comprehensive assessment conducted by the SRCS staff and volunteers provided information on the number of affected households and identified priority areas of intervention. The assessment report was used to develop the emergency appeal and plan of action used for the operation.

Due to low appeal coverage which by end of April 2014 was at 36% of the original budget of CHF 2,406,038, the plan of action was reviewed and the appeal budget downsized to CHF 896,908. However, when funding of CHF 905,288 was received, the budget was revised upwards to match the income received. The additional funds went to procure additional food for 6 schools in the tropical cyclone affected areas which had been in food crisis since November 2013. The distribution of the remaining non-food items (NFIs) to 7 IDP camps in Bosaso town was also included in the budget.

The budget lines that were affected by the revision include food which increased by 9%, distribution and monitoring which increased by 5%. The SRCS originally planned to assist 23,100 people (3,300 households), but due to the low appeal coverage that number was reduced to 18,375 people (2,625 households).