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Somalia: Strengthening accountability to affected people, September 2019


Executive summary

• As in 2018, the majority of affected people surveyed feel safe both in their day-to-day lives and when accessing aid (86% and 91%, respectively). Respondents are similarly positive (92%) about their ability to move around the country freely. Few people identified the security situation as an impediment.

• The relationship between aid providers and affected people remains positive. Ninety-two percent of affected people say they are treated respectfully, and 93% say they believe aid workers have their best interests at heart.

• While 80% of affected people feel their opinions are considered by aid providers, almost two-thirds (63%) do not know how to make suggestions or complaints about the aid they receive. Over the last three years, there has been a steady decrease in the proportion of people who say they know how to make a complaint – from 49% in 2017 to 44% in 2018 and 37% in 2019.

• This is in contrast to affected people’s awareness around reporting abuse or mistreatment by agency staff. The majority (83%) of affected people surveyed feel able to report misconduct by humanitarian staff.

• Almost half (43%) of the affected people surveyed say that important needs remain unmet. They highlight cash, food, and health services as being insufficiently provided by aid agencies.

• Most respondents (79%) are aware of the aid and services available to them, and 65% say aid goes to those who need it most.

• In line with the findings from 2018, 44% of respondents say that aid does not empower them to live without humanitarian assistance in the future. They call for more focus on income-generating activities, education, and vocational training to increase self-reliance.

• Fifty-seven percent of survey respondents are confident that people’s lives are improving in Somalia/Somaliland.