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Somalia Start Ready & ARC Replica Drought Response: Summary Evaluation Report


In late 2022, the Famine Review Committee identified a risk of famine for several population groups in the Bay region of Somalia. The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Replica funds were consequently released in March 2023 when pre-agreed thresholds indicated rainfall deficits, drought, and worsening food insecurity. In total, 3.38 million USD was released from ARC Replica, and was supplemented with 891,800 USD from Start Ready.

The project targeted crisis-affected people in Baidoa and Burhakaba districts with cash assistance to address drought-induced food insecurity. The project reached 51,318 people between April - July 2023, with each recipient household receiving three monthly transfers of 120 USD through mobile money.

Baidoa and Burhakaba districts are in the Bay region in Southern Somalia. Both districts have experienced periodic crises for over ten years because of the impacts of five drought cycles, displacement, and insecurity. In April 2023, the Bay region was the most affected by food insecurity and malnutrition in Somalia; an expected 90% of the population was estimated to face acute food insecurity from April to June 2023, and 98% of children under five suffered from acute malnutrition. At the same time, the Bay region also received displaced people at the highest rate of any part of the country due to the increasing effects of drought in the surrounding areas.