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Somalia: Mortar fire against radio station

Insurgents have used mortars against a radio station in northern Mogadishu, 'Radio Voice of Democracy' killing at least three civilians and wounding at least 20 others. Local sources said that a journalist and the wife of the station's editorial director are among the dead, while the station's director, Abdirahman Yasin, was wounded. There was more violence in the central Mogadishu area of El Gab, near the presidential palace, where at least five people were killed after the explosion of a mine, which blew up a vehicle with soldiers aboard. Such was the violence of the explosion that it affected other cars and trucks moving along the busy road; at least eight civilian bystanders were wounded in the process. The Banadir region chief of police, Ahmed Hassan Malin, said that the attack's target was a government member who was slated to be aboard the car. [AB]