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Somalia Local Activity Explorer - Update from workstream 1 (Greater Transparency) - May 2021

Grand Bargain transparency workstream workshop

On the 10th and 11th March, the Grand Bargain transparency workstream held a workshop to reflect on its work and review progress and identify collective priorities, in advance of the next phase of the Grand Bargain. Read the workshop summary.

New prototype tool throws a spotlight on the work of local and national aid actors in Somalia

Development Initiatives has developed the Somalia Local Activity Explorer, a new prototype tool that combines data from IATI and humanitarian 3W (Who? What? Where?) datasets to provide a fuller picture of aid work in Somalia, especially activities carried out by local and national actors. The prototype was developed on behalf of the Grand Bargain transparency workstream with funding from the Netherlands, and has the potential to increase the visibility of local and national actors within open data. Please share feedback on this tool by email to