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Somalia + 1 more

Somalia: Kismayo IDP Settlement Assessment - December 2016



The humanitarian situation in Somalia remains volatile following the 2011 drought and an unsatisfactory deyr season (i.e. short rain season from October to January) with significant risks for continuous drought conditions to develop in most parts of the country. The ongoing elections and Ethiopian forces pull-out of the country have increased insecurity and intensified population movements within Somalia. Furthermore, Kenya’s commitment to close down Dadaab by mid-2017, the world’s largest refugee camp hosting over 300,000 Somalis, has significantly increased returns and in turn puts more pressure on service delivery and infrastructure in Somalia. By October 2016, an estimate of 31,226 Somali people have returned from Kenya, the majority of which are heading to Kismayo, Baidoa, Luuq and Mogadishu. While the caseload of returnees is expected to continue growing over the coming months, there is no clear understanding of movement patterns of returnees or internally displaced persons, which further complicates humanitarian response.

A large number of both IDPs and returnees have settled in Kismayo district, located in Lower Juba, which hosts a total of 79 IDP sites, among the largest number in Somalia. Some of the IDP settlements in Kismayo East/West were established immediately after the fall of the Somali Central Government in 1992. IDPs have also started arriving in the area more recently as a result of prolonged drought and pressure from Al-Shabab in their area of origin.

Dalxiska is the largest IDP area in Kismayo District, hosting more than 30 settlements.

In order to support humanitarian response, and internally displaced and returnee populations,
REACH conducts a series of assessments on the main IDP settlements in Somalia. The Kismayo IDP settlement assessment was triggered as a result of the need for a multi-cluster, area-based and coordinated information approach for humanitarian planning and service delivery in informal IDP settlements. This report reflects the findings from a multi-cluster needs assessment of three selected areas around Kismayo town: Dalxiska, Kismayo East and Kismayo West. Kismayo was selected as the first district of intervention due to the large number of IDPs and increase in returnees from Daadab.

Data collection was conducted from 27 September to 12 November 2016, through 1,217 household interviews, 75 key informant interviews (KIIs), facility mapping and spatial analysis in Dalxiska and Kismayo East/West.

The assessment is funded by ECHO and OFDA, designed in collaboration with UNOCHA, the IMWG and the humanitarian clusters (WASH, Shelter & NFIs, Education, Food Security, Health, Nutrition and Protection). Data collection in Kismayo will continue on a regular basis to allow for comparison of services, facilities, humanitarian needs and displacement patterns over time. This report provides a detailed description of the methodology used to conduct the assessment and outlines the key assessment findings, organised into the following sections:

  1. Population & Vulnerabilities;

  2. Displacement Profile;

  3. Humanitarian Situation