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Somalia Humanitarian Overview Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 15 December 2009


Main Developments

- A suicide attack on 3 December at Shamo Hotel in Mogadishu left 24 people dead, including four Transitional Federal Government (TFG) ministers, and more than 46 seriously injured. The hotel was hosting a graduation ceremony for medical students from Banadir University.

- According to the latest update from Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit's (FSNAU), there are signs of improvement in the overall food security in Somalia, following average and above average 2009 Deyr rains. As a result, in 2010, the total number of people in crisis in Southern Somalia is expected to decline.

- The drought persists in Central Somalia as the rains failed again. These areas are now experiencing a sixth consecutive season of drought.

- Nutritional surveys completed in October-November indicate a sustained nutritional crisis in Central Somalia with Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) levels signifi cantly above the emergency threshold of 15 percent.

- Throughout the reporting period, daily clashes between government forces and insurgents continued in Mogadishu. According to UNHCR, an estimated 7,000 people were displaced from Mogadishu in November. In total, 18,000 people were displaced throughout Somalia.

- On 17 December, Al Shabaab suspended the UN Mine Action programme in Baidoa (Bay region) and took control of the programme's compound.

- In early December UNICEF, WHO and partners launched the second round of Child Health Days in Puntland. The campaign aims to reach at least 150,000 children under five and 100,000 women of child bearing age with a package of life-saving health services including immunization against measles and polio and nutritional screening.

- The 2010 Somalia Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) was launched in Nairobi on 3 December 2009 appealing for over US$689 million from 14 UN agencies and 57 international and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


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