With US$414 million received so far in 2015, about 217 humanitarian organisations are working to save lives and build livelihoods of people across the country. As of 31 July, humanitarian partners have treated about 120,000 children under fi ve for acute malnutrition. Food Security partners reached 337,000 people with food assistance, 258,000 people with activities aimed at building livelihoods and 470,800 people received livelihood seasonal inputs such as seeds, tools, fi shing equipment, irrigation vouchers and livestock distribution and vaccination. Education partners reached 44,000 children with teaching activities and school feeding programmes while 604,000 people have been provided with temporary and sustainable access to safe water. One million Somalis have received basic health services throughout the country and the Protection Cluster has reached 201,230 people with protection activities.
In addition, humanitarian partners continue to work with authorities to register and provide assistance to over 28,000 people who have arrived in Somalia fl eeing the confl ict in Yemen. Food has been provided to more than 8,000 people. Electronic transfer cards are also being provided once people leave the centres, enabling them to purchase food and other items through the World Food Programme (WFP) retailers’ network across the country. Essential household goods are being delivered. Health screening is available at all centres, and medical care has been provided to more than 700 people, along with vaccination against polio or/and measles for more than 28,000 people. More than 1,100 children have been screened for malnutrition, of whom 31 received treatment. Some 134 unaccompanied or separated children were identifi ed, of whom 42 were reunited with their families, and the rest were taken into care. Psychosocial support, as well as awareness sessions on child protection and gender-based violence, are offered at all transit points.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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