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Somalia: Humanitarian Dashboard - January 2016 (issued on 3rd March 2016)



Humanitarian response continues across Somalia, during the fi rst month of 2016 alone, an estimated 244,000 people were reached with livelihood assets, 1.5 million people were assisted by humanitarian parners with livelihood seasonal inputs such as seeds, tools, fi shing equipment, irrigation vouchers and livestock distribution and vaccination. Some 7,900 children under age 5 were treated for acute malnutrition. Nearly 273,800 people received primary and basic health services, 23,100 people reached with sustained access to water and another 145,300 people with temporary access to water. An estimated 1,000 internally displaced persons were assisted with non-food items and 390 assisted with transitional shelter. Some 58, 400 children were reached with education services. An estimated 4,850 were reached with protection response, 2,280 received risk education while 1,925 people benefi ted from improved housing, land and property rights.

Parts of Puntland and Somaliland continue to experience severe drought conditions which have affected thousands of people. Partners are providing critical life-saving assistance which includes food and water in the affected districts and villages, treatment of severely malnourished children, pregnant and lactating mothers and cash for work activities.
Some 3.2 million people are in need of improved health services in Somalia. As of January 2016, at least ten health facilities have either reduced their services or closed due to lack of funding, according to NGOs. The Cholera Treatment Center at Kismayo General Hospital provided case management services for acute watery diarhoea (AWD) cases, while health partners operated mobile clinics and carried out health awareness campaigns in affected IDP settlements.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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