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Somalia: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 30 October 2013)



A recent food security alert by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) suggests below average Deyr (October- December) rainfall in Somalia, which could result in elevated food insecurity in agro-pastoral areas of Bakool, Bay and Hiraan regions of Somalia. For Hiraan in particular, which received poor (April-June) rains, the situation could be worse as the harvest was only 35 per cent of the expected production. Humanitarian agencies are preparing contingency plans to meet the anticipated need in these areas.

An estimated 1.1 million people are internally displaced in Somalia, with high concentrations in Mogadishu and other urban centres. Humanitarian partners are concerned about wide-spread human rights abuses in the settlements and are advocating for a focus on more durable solutions for the displaced people.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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