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Somalia: Health Cluster Bulletin, December 2020



  • Concerns over COVID-19 infections among health care workers

  • Preparedness Planning for AWD/Cholera Outbreaks

  • National Immunization Day campaign carried out


Since COVID-19 outbreak was declared in Somalia, the greatest number of health care workers (HCWs) infected as of October 2020 were non-medical staff at 36% followed by nurses (33%), physicians (27%) and Lab technicians (4%). Factors contributing to infection among health care workers include: poor knowledge towards personal protection; inadequate personal protective equipment; poor practice on waste management and segregation system; lack IPC guidance communications materials in the facilities; lack of IPC training, especially for non-medical staff; poor IPC implementation measures/procedures for staff; lack of adequate hand washing hardship areas; translation and distribution of IPC guidelines to all HCFs; provide training for HCWs on IPC; ensure strict adherence to guidelines; engage with HCF leadership to support IPC practices; regularly monitoring and evaluation of IPC data; adequate preparation for patient surge due to emergencies; and use of lessons learnt to invest in IPC continuity of practice. facilities and decontamination supplies. Efforts aimed at reducing infection among HCWs include: developing IPC guidelines tailored for