• The Health Cluster as part of the Disaster Operations Coordination Centre (DOCC) is planning and operationalising the health response component of the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for the drought.
• Polio outbreak response: completed the First National Immunisation Day of 2019 (24 – 27th March, 2019). A total of 2,728,336 children have been reached in 19 regions; with 84,667 have been vaccinated for the first time. This coverage represents 82% of children under 5 years-old.
• Health facilities run by cluster partners collectively provided a total of 457,968 Out Patient Department consultations; as well as 22,620 Skilled Birth Deliveries.
• The primary causes of illness are: Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI), 1,650 cases: Influenza like Illness (ILI), 4,656; and Malaria, 402.
• The Health Cluster reviewed proposals submitted to the Somali Humanitarian Fund first allocation for 2019. 4.3 million USD is allocated to seven (7)
National NGOs and two (2) INGOs.