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Somalia + 1 more

Somalia: Health Cluster Bulletin, 1 - 31 January 2020


Main Highlights:

Somalia 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan - Health Overview
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Updates and Preparedness Activities
Situation Update on Acute Watery Diarrhea in Beledweyne
Health and WASH Technical Working Group on Prevention and Response to WASH-related Outbreaks
Desert Locusts: Government of Somalia declares national emergency
Weekly Epidemiological Updates
National and Sub-national Cluster Updates
Scaling up MHPSS Services to GBV Survivors - A Renewed Commitment
Public Health Concerns by the Callers of Radio Ergo: Chikungunya outbreak, Desert Locusts, Animal drugs for treatment of human ailments
Health Cluster Response Overview and Funding Update, January 2020.

On February 11, the World Health Organization announced COVID‐19, the official name for the disease-causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak.
Globally confirmed cases
Cases confirmed in China
Confirmed outside of China


The 2020 HRP estimates that overall 5.2 million people are in need humanitarian assistance (compared to 4.2 million in 2019), with.3.2 million in need of health assistance. Overall 3 million people will be targeted for assistance, with 2.2 million to be reached through the health humanitarian response. The people targeted for humanitarian assistance are reduced from the 2019 figures (3.4M) due to the realization that although the people in need are vulnerable, many of them will benefit from development, recovery and resiliency programs.