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Somalia: Health Cluster Bulletin #02 March - April 2018



  • In March and April 2018, health cluster partners provided consultation services to 559,772 individuals in 263 health facilities (including mobile health units). This includes 326,358 females and 219,131 children under five.

  • Health cluster partners participated in the mass measles vaccination. A total of 3.6M children were vaccinated against measles. The campaign started in February in Puntland where 933,406 children were vaccinated.

  • To support vaccination campaigns and maintain a constant availability of required vaccines, partners managed three zonal cold chain stores in South Central Somalia.

  • A total of 1,534* cases of AWD / Cholera with five deaths was reported in March and April. In total, in 2018, 2,360 suspected cases were reported.

  • During 2018, 2,389** suspected cases of measles were reported, 1,441 in March and 948 April. This follows 1,264 suspected cases in January and 1,589 in February.

  • The health cluster has so far received a total of US$ 3,449,153****; accounting for 2.8% of the total requirement in the 2018 HRP.