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Somalia: Flash Flooding Update #6, As of 24 May 2020 [EN/SO]


Situation Overview

Flood waters started receding in some areas of Somalia, as the seasonal Gu’ (April-June) rains decline. In Belet Weyne district, Hiraan region, where 240,000 people including 11,400 IDPs were displaced, flood waters started receding on 19 May. The district was the worst affected after the Shabelle river burst its banks.

Twenty-five riverine villages which were submerged since 10 May are drying up and farmers are preparing to take advantage of the moist soil and start planting. In the downstream areas of Middle Shabelle such as Jowhar district, where riverine flooding affected more than 98,000 people in 37 locations, gradual recession of flood water is reported.

Along the Juba river, the water level is at bank full in some parts of Gedo region such as Baardheere, Doolow and Luuq. Downstream areas of Saakow, Buaale, Jilib and Jamame districts are flooded.
However, a gradual drop in water levels was reported. Across Somalia, flash and riverine floods have affected nearly a million people, displaced 412,000 and killed 26 people in 29 districts.
Large areas of cropland and pasture have been inundated, roads damaged and IDP shelters destroyed. According to the WASH Cluster, the flooding has also increased the risk of Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) and cholera in affected regions.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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