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Somalia: Early Warning Disease Surveillance and Response Bulletin - 2018 Epidemiological Week 27 (8 July 2018)



• A total of 224 health facilities submitted weekly reports of epidemic-prone diseases in week 27.

• Total number of consultations decreased from 55,343 in week 26 to 51,625 in week 27.

• A total of 257 alerts were received. 33 of these alerts were confirmed as true alerts in week 27.

• The highest numbers of diseases reported in week 27 were other acute diarrhoeas (2,486 cases), influenza like illness (1,342 cases) and severe acute respiratory illness (1,173 cases).

• A total of 151 new cases of suspected AWD/cholera with no death were reported in week 27 compared to 344 AWD cases including 1 death in week 26.

• A cumulative total of 5,733 AWD/cholera cases, including 40 deaths have been reported since December 2017.

• The number of reported measles cases slightly increased from 58 in week 26 to 61 cases in week 27.

Cumulative figures as of week 27

1,522,140 consultations from week 1 to week 27.

• 5,733 cumulative cases of AWD/Cholera and 40 deaths since December 2017.

• 8,573 total alerts were received, 464 of these, were confirmed as true alerts from week 1 to week 27, 2018.

• 6,149 cumulative cases of suspected measles cases since Jan 2018. Of the 4,068 (66%) are under 5 years while 2,081 (34%) are above 5 years.

• 7,193 cumulative cases of Malaria were reported since Jan 2018, 3,119 (43%) are under 5 years, while 4,074(57%) are above 5 years.