A. Situation analysis
Description of the Disaster
01 May 2021: The Government of Somalia declared a National Emergency due to the Drought situation and called for support in responding to the humanitarian crisis. According to UNOCHA Somalia situational Update of April 26th 2021 and the IFRC Regional Information Bulletin (RIB), the already dire humanitarian situation in Somalia has been deteriorating since the failed Deyr short rains late 2020, especially in the eight targeted districts in the table below:
This affected crop production, pasture regeneration and failed to sufficiently replenish water sources for communities in the eight (8) targeted districts.
The earliest onset of the prolonged Jilaal dry season in late 2020 depleted the little pasture and water sources available for the very vulnerable households in these districts. The late onset of the insufficient and poorly distributed Guu long rains 2021 is projected to be inadequate till June, unlikely to sufficiently replenish water sources and regenerate pasture. The back-to-back poor performance of the Deyr and Guu with a harsh Jilaal in-between eroded the resilience of the targeted communities.
Access to clean water is compromised with the cost of water spiking by 60% in these districts and vulnerable households having to travel long distances in search of water. Vulnerable households have resorted to negative coping strategies. Poor hygiene practices are on the rise putting the health and nutrition of vulnerable <5-year-olds and pregnant women at increased risk. Herders are resorting to hand-feeding their livestock with locally produced cereals. This has caused cereal prices to increase by at least 30% and livestock disease are being reported.
The map below courtesy of FAO and SWALIM shows the targeted districts within the larger IPC-4 zone. For related IPC classification see https://fews.net/east-africa/somalia
Summary of the current response
Overview of Host National Society Response Action
In response to the emerging drought as a result of failed Deyr (short rains) season September-December 2020, SRCS convened a Partners call in December 2020. The objective was to flag the imminent drought and collectively agree on the next steps moving forward. Two key resolutions reached were: 1) SRCS participates in the planned Government-led interagency drought rapid assessment, and 2) SRCS closely monitors the situation and share periodic updates with partners. SRCS convened a second follow up Partners call in early February 2021 during which the Drought rapid assessment findings for Somaliland were shared and discussed.
The meeting resolved that SRCS focuses and prioritizes areas / sectors of intervention, develops a Preparedness for Effective Response (PER) Plan and shares with members. SRCS further prepared and submitted a proposal to the Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) for consideration. This operational plan is therefore prepared based on the conclusion and sector-specific recommendations of the assessment. Furthermore, the plan is triggered by the Government’s Declaration of a National Drought Emergency on the 01 of May. The eight (8) targeted districts are pockets inside the larger Puntland and Somaliland regions, some already classified to be in IPC-4.
Based on the above, this DREF Operation will initially focus on 1) Livelihood and Basic needs support through Unconditional Mobile Cash Transfer to meet basic needs of households and, 2) Health / Nutrition through additional Emergency Mobile Health Clinics (EMHCs). Subsequent action will depend on the evolution of the drought emergency.