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Somalia cVDPV Outbreak Response Situation Report #9 (15 October 2018)


Situation update

  • Somalia continues to respond to concurrent outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 and type 3.

  • Significant access challenges persist and hamper outbreak responsiveness, with vaccination campaign activities reaching only 71% of the country’s identified population settlements; while all efforts are underway to reach populations in inaccessible areas, strengthening immunization activities in the area surrounding inaccessible communities and among high risk groups such as internally displaced and nomadic populations is critical for mitigating further cVDPV transmission.

  • One new cVDPV type 3 case was confirmed this week. Virus was isolated from a child with AFP that developed paralysis on 07 September 2018. This five month old child is from an inaccessible area of Middle Shabelle and had never received polio vaccination previously. Detailed investigations are underway to determine the best response mechanism across the area; no type 2 cases have been reported this week.

  • The total number of cVDPV cases is 12: five cVDPV2, six cVDPV3 and one case of a child with a coinfection of cVDPV2 and cVDPV3 virus.

  • The second nationwide polio vaccination campaign targeting an estimated 2.6 million children under five years with bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine was (bOPV) completed this week. The vaccination campaign is in response to the ongoing circulation of cVDPV3; analysis of the results will inform vaccination coverage and define areas for more focus in the upcoming campaign at the end of October.