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Somalia Child Protection Area of Responsibility: Mid-Year Bulletin (January – June 2024)



During the first half of 2024, the humanitarian context in Somalia remained complex and multifaceted with multiple shocks and hazards such as floods due to Gu rains, interclan conflict and cholera outbreak. The Combination these shocks and hazards disproportionately affected children and their families, leaving them at risk or vulnerable to different forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Conflict and Displacement: on top of the ongoing conflict between government forces and Al-Shabaab militants, inter-clan conflict has resulted in widespread violence. Over 70 inter-clan clashes were recorded in Cabudwaaq, Jariban and Galdogob districts, with 30% of the clashes recorded in June. As a result, nearly a quarter million people were displaced during this period, with children making up more than 60% of the displaced population. Over 7,000 of these children who are separated from their families received comprehensive services.

Grave child right violations: over 370 children recruited between January to June this year by parties to conflict, a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2023. These children are often forced to participate in hostilities, placing their lives at severe risk. Additionally, the Child Protection partners observed and reported a significant rise in deaths and injuries mainly due to explosive hazards. Over 100 children were either killed or maimed as result of air strikes, explosive devices, land mines etc., with about 30% of these children were affected by unexploded ordnances (UXOs).

Access to Education: The conflict has severely disrupted education in Somalia. It’s estimated that more than 50% of schools in conflict-affected areas have been closed or are non-functional. As a result, approximately over 3 million children are not accessing any type of learning, lacking access to critical education and safe learning environments. Increase in out-of-school children increases the risk of exploitation including engaging in labor in hazardous environment resulting in life threatening injuries and permanent disabilities

Gender-Based Violence (GBV): GBV, including sexual violence, remains a pervasive issue. Approximately over 500 reported cases of sexual violence against children during the first half of 2024. Nearly 70% of the total GBV cases reported are persons under the age of 18 with increasing concerns of sexual violence against boys. The actual number is likely higher due to underreporting. Girls are particularly vulnerable, facing significant risks both in conflict zones and within displacement camps.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: The provision of MHPSS services remains inadequate, with increased number of children vulnerable to the psychosocial impacts of violence, loss of education, shelter and safe place to improve their wellbeing. Over 85,000 children and their caregivers received MHPSS services during January to June this year.