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Somalia: CCCM Cluster Monthly Update - Reporting Period: June 2024


Main highlight/s

  • Site Verification Assessments: # 1 site verification assessments were conducted in Ceerigabo.
  • Safety Audits: # 3 safety audit assessments were conducted in 3 districts recording safety risks in 59 sites
  • Service Monitoring: CCCM partners jointly with 12 agencies, including Government counterparts, conducted site monitoring activities in 1,195 IDP sites covering 28 districts across Somalia
  • Cash for Work activities: Cash for Work interventions in Danyiile/Benadir empowered 3,600 persons to regain their sense of self-value and strengthen their capacity to meet basic needs

Summary Updates

  • Site Verification Assessments: CCCM cluster jointly with local authorities and partners conducted 1 site verification in Ceerigabo. The site hosts 30 HH (180 individuals).
  • Coordination: CCCM Cluster partners conducted 11 coordination meetings at site level. During the monthly CCCM coordination meeting in Moghadishu Khada, CCCM partners jointly with local authorities focused on strengthening the coordination and preparing for the distribution of WASH and NFI kits to 3,010 households in two districts in Bendir, namely Kahda and Garasbaley. 5 meetings were also conducted with community assigned Camp Management Committees (CMCs) to provide information on essential CCCM activities (including awareness raising on aid diversion, site monitoring, preparedness ahead of torrential rains, and site maintenance). These activities were carried out to strengthen relations and work between Camp Management actors and camp committees, enable better coordination and ultimately improve response which benefits all camp residents. By engaging with community elected committees, CCCM cluster seeks to reduce the influence exercised by gatekeepers/landlords. In Dayniile district of Banadir, coordination meetings’ discussion focused in particular on coordination and management of sites which are growing bigger as displaced communities continue to arrive in Benadir.
  • Service Monitoring: CCCM partners jointly with 12 agencies, including Government counterparts, conducted site monitoring activities in 1,195 IDP sites covering 28 districts. Out of the 1,195 IDP sites managed by CCCM partners monitored in June, 227 sites received new arrivals during June (19%). 96% of the sites hosting new arrivals received community awareness activities on availability of services. Overall, IDPs have water access in 72% of sites. CCCM cluster has updated several of its tools to collect information on whether water is available free of cost or whether water prices place a significant financial burden on displaced populations. Recent CCCM cluster field visits indicate that water is rarely available to most vulnerable communities. Primary education/ABE facilities are available in 40% of sites, while IDPs in 31% of sites can access primary education facilities within a 20-minute walk. Forcibly displaced communities in 68% of sites have access to health facilities within walking distance, while facilities for nutrition were available in 75% of sites. 94% of surveyed sites consist of emergency shelter type, 4% of sites have transitional shelters while 2% of sites have permanent shelters. The site monitoring shows moreover that only 8% of IDP households in the surveyed locations have received cash for food or food assistance in kind within the last 6 months. UNHCR’s CCCM partner ACTED conducted site monitoring activities in 15 IDP sites across 5 districts of Burco, Caynabo, Ceel Afweyn, Ceerigabo and Hargeysa.
  • Communication with Communities: In Kismayo North, an open discussion forum was facilitated by CCCM partners to secure in-depth information directly from displaced communities on their current situation, concerns and priorities. The community raised concerns about lack of critical services at affordable prices, including water. The community is ready to work together with CCCM partners and conduct activities which benefit the residents, including site maintenance. In Khada, CCCM partners undertook a range of community engagement and accountability activities, including awareness sessions to share updates on services and entitlements, complaint feedback mechanisms and orientation sessions for new arrivals, as well as establishing clear referral pathways for food security and protection/GBV referrals.
  • Complaint and Feedback Mechanisms: A total of 2,444 tickets were received during June. Highest number of feedback/complaints/requests ((1,244 tickets) relate to food security, followed by ES/NFI related requests (1,217 tickets), while 935 tickets relate to WASH requests/complaints. Relevant clusters and agencies addressed and resolved 29 percent of the tickets received. 28 percent of the tickets remain unresolved due to lack of funds, while 6 percent were closed upon receipt. 31 percent of the tickets were closed automatically one month after receipt due to lack of response from the responsible agency where the requests/complaints were referred to for solutions.
  • Safety Audits – Key Findings: Based on safety audits conducted in April-June 2024 across 288 IDP sites in Somalia, including 128 in Baidoa, 9 in Baraawe, 9 in Ceel Waaq, 70 in Kismayo, 28 in Moghadishu Dayniiile, 30 in Moghadishu Khada and 14 in various locations in Somaliland (Burco, Caynabo, Ceel Afweyn and Hargeysa), several critical issues were identified. These include overcrowded sites with makeshift shelters lacking privacy and security, insufficient, costly and poorly maintained WASH facilities, limited access to health services and schools, inadequate nutrition services, and overall safety concerns within the camps. Most sites lack lighting, drainage systems, and designated safe spaces for women and girls. In addition, the presence of armed individuals and safety risks associated with accessing essential services were reported in some of the audited locations.
  • CCCM Activities - Site Improvement through Cash for Work (CfW): Site maintenance activities were carried out through Cash for Work with the support and coordination of CCCM partners in Dayniile. 600 households in Catchment 18 received $60 each for their work. This Cash for Work intervention empowered approximately 3,600 persons to secure a short-term income meet their families’ basic needs. CCCM Cluster will monitor Cash for Work activities closely to ensure that infusion of cash incentives for site maintenance activities do not artificially inflate wages and costs for community members.
  • New Arrivals: CCCM partners continue recording large numbers of displaced populations arriving in IDP sites in, Dayniile, Khada, Baidoa and Kismaayo, and many other districts due to the impact of drought, conflict and flooding. In June, 15,768 new arrivals were displaced mainly due to the drought, flooding and conflict incidents which occurred in the past months. The majority of IDPs originate from Qoryooley, Afgooye and Baidoa districts according to data recorded in CCCM cluster’s NAT tool from week 22 to week 27. CCCM Partners continued to closely work with Nutrition Partners to conduct MUAC screening across sites to ensure that SAM and MAM cases are referred to Nutrition partners for immediate assistance.