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Somalia: Annual Report 2014 (MAASO001)



In line with the Somali Red Crescent Society’s (SRCS) Strategic Development Plan 2010-2014 and the Health Strategy 2013-2017 which is aligned to the IFRC Strategy 2020, SRCS Integrated Health Care Programme (IHCP) that comprises of a network of Maternal and Child Health/Outpatients Department (MCH/OPD) clinics has been the flagship of the national society since the onset of the civil conflict following the collapse of the Somali state over two decades ago. In line with the goal of the programme, the SRCS network of 32 static and 15 mobile health clinics in Somaliland and Puntland provided the needed health care services and contributed to improving the health status of the target population. Through the activities of the static and mobile health clinics in Puntland and Somaliland, 481,565 (292,616 females and 188,949 males) community members directly benefitted from the range of basic health care services provided with multilateral support of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners through the IFRC. The network of MCH/OPD clinics managed by the SRCS provides preventive, promotive and curative health care services to the target population of about 600,000.

The IFRC Somalia Country Representation supported the SRCS in its organizational capacity and institutional development activities through a range of capacity building support which include governance and management support, branch and sub-branch development and development of its financial systems and procedures.

The IFRC Country Office provided technical, financial and logistical support for the SRCS to convene three zonal meetings to develop its new Strategic Development Plan 2015-2019. Technical support and guidance was provided to three branches in Puntland to reactivate their branch committees following an induction course on Branch Governance and Management. Six sub-branches in Bari region in Puntland supported to convene a meeting to discuss sub-branch management and dissemination of the national society new accounting and administration manual.

The national society was supported financially and technically to conduct a Finance Development workshop in Hargeisa, Somaliland on 13 January, 2014 in which the NS was able to disseminate the new accounting and administration manual to the SRCS branches in Puntland and Somaliland.

10 finance officers from six branches in Somaliland and the coordination office in Hargeisa were trained on the new financial manual developed as part of the SRCS finance development initiative. The IFRC senior finance officer facilitated the training.

The national society was also supported financially and logistically to convene two executive committee meetings in January and December, 2014 respectively and three senior management meetings during the course of 2014. To enhance the project management capacity at branch level, tailor-made courses were offered to five SRCS Branch Secretaries from Berbera and Lasanod (Somaliland), Bosaso and Galkayo (Puntland) and Dusamereb in South/Central Somalia to participate in a Certificate Course on Leadership and Management of Community Development Programmes offered by Africa Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) in Nairobi. Similar tailor-made course was offered to 4 branch health officers from Hargeisa, Berbera, and Dusamereb in South/Central Somalia. The deputy national health officer for Puntland attended a Certificate Course on Practical Project Management at AMREF from 8-19 September, 2014. To enhance the volunteers’ leadership capacity two youth volunteer leaders from Somaliland and Puntland (one male and one female) were supported to attend the Global Volunteering Forum hosted by the Thai Red Cross in Bangkok 1st- 4th December, 2014 and the subsequent Volunteering in Conflict and Emergency (VICE) meeting in the same venue. The SRCS stand won the third prize among more than 60 National Societies that mounted their exhibits at a gallery.

Access to Somaliland and Puntland for field monitoring and supervision by IFRC international staff to provide technical support to the health staff at the clinics and the branch management has improved in 2014. The IFRC Somalia Country Representation staffs were able to visit eight out of the nine branches in Puntland and Somaliland as well as about 88% of the clinics supported by the Federation in the two zones. This was a tremendous improvement from the preceding year and enabled IFRC to increase the pace of technical support to the field staff. Border dispute between Puntland and Somaliland in sections of the Sool and Sanaag regions however posed security limitations for international staff. That notwithstanding, SRCS programme staff in the branches and the coordination offices had regular access to all the 32 static clinics for monitoring and support supervision throughout the reporting period.