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Somalia Aid Coordination Body Monthly Highlights Dec 2002

SACB Executive
The Humanitarian Coordinator issued a statement to the IGAD Technical Committee highlighting the need for humanitarian access. A mission to Eldoret then took place to further discussions. With regards to modalities for the SACB to engage with the Eldoret Technical Committees it was suggested that the SACB share the work of the various sectoral committees and strategies that exist as soon as the reconciliation committees are ripe. The option for the SACB to make a 1 or 2 day presentation was also discussed and will be taken forward at a more appropriate time. A presentation was given to raise the profile of HIV/AIDS in Somalia at the policy level. The next meeting will be held on 30 January 2003.

SACB Consultative


The Consultative Committee Meeting did not take place this month. The next meeting will be held on 23 January 2003.

SACB Sectoral

Steering Committee

A presentation was given on the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Conference held in Namibia. Following a discussion on HIV/AIDS, the need to strengthen cross-sectoral linkages was highlighted and it was agreed that the SACB Secretariat will take the lead in holding a meeting with the Chairs of the Sectoral Committees for a brainstorming session on this issue. Partners were reminded that the purpose of sectoral updates in the Steering Committee Meeting is to raise 'problems' that need to be addressed in that forum as opposed to general updates. The next meeting will be held on 22 January 2003.

SACB Sectoral Highlights

Food Security and Rural Development Committee

The 2002 Deyr season has brought relief to Bakool Gedo and parts of Hiran region. Awdal is now becoming an area of some concern. Family food ration and supplementary food interventions are ongoing in Belet Weyne. Rapid screening in IDP camps in Kismayo indicates a higher level of malnutrition than expected. The EC made a presentation on the Horn of Africa Crisis Meeting held in Ethiopia where representatives identified common underlying problems and cross cutting issues. A special livestock meeting was held to discuss the LICUS initiative between World Bank and UNDP where the rational and the strategy underpinning the initiative were presented. Agrosphere presented the final version of its document on irrigation systems survey tools in the Agriculture working group. The next meeting will be held on 15 January 2003.

Health and Nutrition Sectoral Committee

UNOPS presented its Integrated Community Development Programme (ICDP) operational in Adwal & Galeed, two regions in Somaliland. Following concern at the capacity to respond to an outbreak of Cholera in Somalia it was agreed that COOPI will take the lead in developing a simulation exercise to test this response. The next meeting will be held on 10 January 2003.

Water Sanitation & Infrastructure Committee

The meeting, held in Hargeisa, focused on privatisation of water in Somaliland. The Ministry presented privatisation with public oversight as the most feasible option and all partners present were in support of this decision. Other issues discussed were fluctuations in community contribution and the need to ensure all partners collaborate with appropriate Ministries to avoid such situations in the future. With regards to chlorination of drinking water it was suggested at this time that basic standards be set for setting up water supplies to avoid contamination and that partners working in the sector increase their work in sanitation. The next meeting will be held on 29 January 2003.

Education Committee

The Education Committee did not meet this month. The next meeting will be held on 28 January 2003.

Governance Committee

A joint meeting with the Gender and Human Rights Working Group was held on 9 December and updates were provided on the 6 Eldoret Technical Committees: Federalism & Constitution; The Economic Committee; Land and Property Disputes; Demobilisation and Disarmament; Conflict Resolution; Regional and International Relations. Support to civil society and women in the conference was also discussed. UNICEF is starting a child protection study throughout Somaila on protection against violent abuse and exploitation The TOR will be shared with this Committee as will the results when available. The next meeting will be held jointly with the Demobilisation Working Group on 17 January 2003.

For more information contact:

SACB Secretariat UNDP Tel: 4448433 Fax: 4442438, E-mail:
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