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Somalia: Acute Watery Diarrhoea Update 08 Jun 2007


This update describes the development, status, and activities implemented by the humanitarian community in response to the Acute Watery Diarrhoea outbreak in Somalia . The update follows the structure as proposed in the WHO guidelines for cholera outbreak response.

The report is built on surveillance data that health service providers and NGOs transmit on a weekly basis from health facilities and hospitals in South and Central Somalia .


- Between 1 January and 8 June 2007, 36 275 of Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) cases were reported from Central and South Zone including 1102 related deaths.

- In the current week (epidemiological week 23), the reported cases decreased by 25%, in comparison to the previous week (724 and 1209 respectively).

- In comparison to the previous epidemiological weeks, the overall Case Fatality Rate (CFR) continued to decrease from 4.32% in epidemiological week 14, to 0.83% in the current week.

- Overall, Banadir region reported 41% (14 703) cases, including 15% (170) of the total related deaths. However, the trend shows a sharp decrease in the reported cases in the last epidemiological weeks.

- Although Bakool region reported only 2% (649) of the total reported cases, they reported one the highest CFR at 6.63%.

- No cases were reported from Bay region in the current week and the cholera treatment centre (CTC) in Baidoa was closed on 31 May.

The Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) trend showed that the number of reported cases is decreasing in all the 10 regions.