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Somalia: 2024 Gu season heavy rains and floods impact


Overview: Projections in the Gu season preparedness plan included in the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) predicted at least 770,000 people across 22 flood-prone districts to be affected by the end of the Gu season (April-June). According to OCHA’s Weekly Situation Report No. 2, the number of people affected by heavy rains and floods continued to rise, with an estimated 219,758 people impacted as of 14 May. This includes 38,727 people displaced or relocated. Heavy rains and floods have caused loss of livelihoods, such as livestock, cropland, and destruction of small businesses, with 5,899 hectares of agricultural land flooded. In addition, widespread damage to infrastructure is reported with 5,002 latrines, 3,367 shelters, 29 water points and 7 schools reported to be destroyed.