There is a sharp increase in the number of AWD/ cholera cases, according to surveillance reports, mostly from inaccessible districts and village.
A total of 1839 AWD/ cholera cases and 48 deaths (CFR–2.6%) were reported during week 9 from 45 districts in 11 regions. The most affected districts include Baidoa, G. Burey in Bay region, Burdhuhunle in Bakol region, Wanlaweyne in Lower Shebelle region and Garowe in Nugal region.
A 2-day Training-of-Trainers workshop on oral cholera vaccination (OCV) implementation and monitoring was held in Mogadishu for 42 participants from Banadir, Hiran and Lower Juba regions. Each regional team is expected to cascade training among districts vaccination teams in preparation for the OCV campaign.