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Security Council press statement on Somalia


The following Security Council press statement on Somalia was read out today by Council President Saul Weisleder ( Costa Rica):

This afternoon, the Council held consultations of the whole to continue discussing the situation in Somalia.

Members of the Council encouraged all parties in Somalia to implement fully the Djibouti Agreement, and stressed the need for all those that are not yet parties to this agreement to become part of it as a matter of urgency.

They stressed that progress on an inclusive political process was key to improving the security and humanitarian situation.

They expressed their concern about the worsening security and humanitarian situation and the fragility of the political process, and reiterated their commitment to consider feasible next steps.

Members of the Council thanked the Secretariat for its report, and commended the efforts of the Secretary-General in support of the people of Somalia. Members of the Council reiterated their support for the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM).

Finally, members of the Council expressed their concern about the number of incidents of piracy off the Somali coast.

For information media - not an official record