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Security Council Committee concerning Somalia appeals for assistance in enforcing arms embargo

Press Release SC/6823 - 20000313
The Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia met on 8 March to exchange views on strengthening the effectiveness of the arms embargo against Somalia. The Committee decided to send a letter to all Member States reminding them of their obligation in ensuring the strict implementation of the arms embargo against Somalia. In this connection, the Committee also approved a decision to send letters to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and to the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) seeking their cooperation and assistance in the enforcement of the mandatory arms embargo and requesting them to provide it on a regular basis with information on violations of the embargo.

The Committee also endorsed a proposal to undertake a fact-finding mission by the Chairman to neighbouring countries to assess the difficulties encountered in implementing the arms embargo and to encourage Member States in the region and regional organizations to actively cooperate with the Committee in the discharge of its mandate.