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Somalia + 10 more

Seasonal Forecast - Summary for Decision Makers (June to September 2021)


Rainfall and Temperatures

The upcoming rainfall season, June to September, is an important season for Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. For some of these countries it is the main farming season for their staple crops.

A wetter than usual season is expected in Djibouti, Eritrea, much of the northern two-thirds of Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. The Karamoja Cluster, which covers parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda is expected to experience a wetter than usual season. The forecast indicates a 15% higher than usual chance of receiving more than 400 mm accumulated rainfall during June to September over central Sudan and 5% increased chance of exceeding 400 mm over western Ethiopia and western South Sudan. Albeit the expected wetter than usual season over western Ethiopia and southern parts of Sudan, there is a chance of having more than usual dry spells.

An earlier than usual start of the season is expected over western Ethiopia, eastern South Sudan and southern parts of Sudan. A delayed start to the season is expected in the eastern areas of the region including margins of northern Sudan, northern and eastern Eritrea, north-eastern and eastern Ethiopia, and northern Somalia.