Human Rights Council
Fifty-seventh session
9 September–9 October 2024
Agenda item 10
Technical assistance and capacity-building
The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 54/32 and covers the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. During the reporting period, the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Isha Dyfan, conducted two official visits to the country, the first from 6 to 19 November 2023 and the second from 5 to 11 May 2024. In addition, she held consultations in Ethiopia and Uganda from 26 September to 6 October 2023 and in Nairobi from 11 to 16 May 2024, as part of which she engaged with various stakeholders to broaden her understanding of the security, human rights and humanitarian situation in Somalia from a regional perspective. In the present report, the Independent Expert provides updates on the progress achieved by the Federal Government of Somalia in the implementation of the seven benchmarks set out in her preceding reports in the light of political, security and human rights developments and the humanitarian situation in the country.
I. Introduction
1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 54/32, in which the Council extended the mandate of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia for a period of one year and requested that the Independent Expert submit a report to the Council at its fifty-seventh session and to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session.
2. In the present report, the Independent Expert outlines the significant developments that occurred in Somalia from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 and provides updates on the progress made in the implementation of the benchmarks and indicators for the improvement of the human rights situation in Somalia, as set out in her previous reports. 1
3. The Independent Expert conducted two official visits to Somalia during the reporting period, the first from 6 to 19 November 2023 and the second from 5 to 11 May 2024, the objectives of which were to assess the human rights situation in the country, follow up on discussions regarding the Government’s achievements, priorities and challenges and engage with Somali authorities on the progress made on the benchmarks and indicators outlined in her previous reports in order to provide the Human Rights Council with realistic, achievable options on how the mandate could be adjusted to support the Government in achieving its human rights priorities. She visited the capital, Mogadishu, and undertook field missions to Beledweyne (the capital of Hiraan Province, in Hirshabelle State) and Hargeysa (the capital of “Somaliland”, a self-declared nation State).
4. During her visits, the Independent Expert held meetings with a cross section of government officials and representatives of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and United Nations entities. She consulted humanitarian organizations, journalists and media workers, as well as civil society organizations, to discuss developments on the political, security, human rights, economic and humanitarian fronts.
5. The Independent Expert expresses her appreciation to the Government of Somalia for the excellent cooperation extended to her during the preparation and conduct of her visits and for the frank and constructive discussions that she had with government officials.
6. From 26 September to 6 October 2023, the Independent Expert held consultations with various stakeholders in Ethiopia and Uganda, including representatives of the United Nations, the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of civil society. She held a second round of consultations in Nairobi from 5 to 11 May 2024, where she met with representatives of the United Nations Office at Nairobi, United Nations entities, civil society organizations and academic institutions. The purpose of the consultations was to broaden the Independent Expert’s understanding of the human rights situation in Somalia from a regional perspective, explore how the international community could support Somalia in the implementation of the benchmarks and indicators for the improvement of the situation of human rights, and build strategic alliances with key international stakeholders for more effective technical assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights.
7. The Independent Expert is grateful to the Governments of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda for allowing her to conduct consultations in their countries and to all stakeholders for their valuable insights.
8. The present report is based on information received following a call for contributions on the human rights situation in Somalia, issued in April 2024, 2 and information made available by several sources, including the Government of Somalia, UNSOM, ATMIS, IGAD, United Nations entities, journalists and media workers, civil society organizations and academic institutions. In addition, official reports, open sources and other relevant materials were consulted.
9. In accordance with established procedure, the report was shared with the Government of Somalia on 9 July 2024. As at 12 August 2024, the date on which the report was finalized, the Independent Expert had not received comments from the Government.