Brief Analysis
A number of callers this week (13-19 June 2024) to Radio Ergo’s independent audience feedback platform expressed concerns about drought conditions and water shortage. These calls were mostly from central regions, with some from Bay and Bakool and a couple from Somaliland. On the other hand, many callers spoke of beneficial rainfall, most notably from Sanag, Sool, Nugal and parts of Galmudug and Shabelle regions. Several callers reported concerns over malaria in their areas and wanted prevention and control. The main preoccupation of most farmers calling to get advice from the radio’s agriculture programme was crop pests. Some callers in Hiran and Galmudug expressed concerns over ongoing clan conflicts which they wanted to be stopped. The following summarises the calls by theme.
Drought & Water Shortage – in the north, a caller in Gabiley, Marodi Jeh, said they hadn’t had rain and due to the drought, they didn’t even have enough water to make tea. A caller in El-buh, Sanag region, said water was short as rainfall had been poor. A female caller in Garowe appealed for help saying their farms had been hit by water shortage. Another caller in Nugal region said they were praying for rain. Two callers in Mudug, including one in Wisil, said they were facing water scarcity. A caller in Adado said they were facing drought and windy weather. Another in Bahdo said the wells were getting dry as they had only had a little rain. A caller in Barawe, Lower Shabelle, said they hadn’t had rain and faced drought. In Bay region, a caller in Baidoa said due to lack of rainfall they had only harvested a little sorghum and other crops were not growing well. Another farmer similarly said the farms were drying up. A caller in Tiyeglow, Bakool region, said their crops were failing due to drought and water shortage. A caller in Bardera, Gedo, said they faced drought after little rainfall.
Aid – a caller in Buhodle, Togdher region, said he wanted to report people who were diverting aid intended for poor families. In Burtinle, Nugal, a caller said he was among drought displaced IDPs who faced lack of food and water and had no access to toilets. A caller in Beletweyne, Hiran, appealed for help to rebuild his house that had been destroyed by recent floods.
Health – callers in Somaliland, Puntland and Hiran spoke of increasing numbers of mosquitoes and case of malaria. One called for spraying to control mosquitoes and another asked for bed nets.
Health & Education services – a female caller in Huurshe, Galgadud, complained that they had neither schools nor health centres in their area. She said the pastoralist communities needed education for their children.
FGM – a caller in Middle Juba said he was trying to protect his daughters from FGM where they lived in the remote rural areas of Jilib. He said they need help to stop the practice.
Nutrition – a female caller in Baidoa wanted to know if blood loss during childbirth was a sign of malnutrition. [Radio Ergo airs a weekly programme on nutrition with experts].
Mental Health – callers connecting with Radio Ergo’s Maankaab programme asked for advice about constant worry and lack of sleep.
Agriculture – a number of farmers particularly in Hirshabelle locations wanted advice and help with crops pests. A caller in Bohol, Galgadud, wanted to know if pests or wind was causing their watermelons to burst before being harvested. A caller in Widhwidh, Togdher, wanted the Somaliland government to help them control damaging crop pests. A caller in Beletweyne said they were far more concerned by floods than pests and didn’t even get to see the insects before the crops were washed away.
Locusts – one caller in Bardera, Gedo, said people were getting worried because locusts had invaded and were devouring the vegetation.
Livestock – a caller in Sanag region said they hadn’t seen any aid organisations in their area and their livestock needed vaccinations. A caller in Qasweyn village in Guriel said their livestock were dying after eating a tree called Digtaar and herders were concerned about these widespread trees. A caller in Ethiopia’s Somali Region said they were faced by drought and their livestock had diseases. He said the Ethiopian government didn’t send vets to their area and they wanted their message to be shared.
Callers in Berbera and Nugal were concerned about monkeys eating their crops and food, and foxes attaching their goats. A caller in Dhagah-tuur, north of Galkayo, said their goats were being attacked by foxes and caracals.
Conflict – in Galgadud, a caller in Landher wanted the government to put an end to what he described as constant clashes among different clans that were causing deaths and loss of property. A caller in Abudwak said they were affected by clan clashes. Another caller in Sahawanag, Mudug, also said they need constant clan conflicts to be stopped. In Hiran, a caller said their crops were growing well but the people needed peace. Another said they wanted roadblocks to be removed and services provided.
Rainfall – a number of callers in parts of Sool and Sanag as well as Nugal region called to say they were getting rain and their livestock were doing well. Among callers in Galgadud, a caller in Dabad urged those facing drought to migrate there for water. A few called from Lower and Middle Shabelle noting good rainfall.
Radio Ergo’s audience feedback platform is available to callers using Telsom, Golis, and Hormud lines on shortcode number 2012. Callers will not be charged for their call and can leave a voice message on their issues of concern or on topics related to the radio broadcasts.