Brief Summary
The majority of calls this week (3-9 February 2022) to Radio Ergo’s feedback platform concerned the worsening effects of drought on people’s lives and livelihoods across the country. The largest number of calls came from Somaliland regions, especially Togdher, Sool, and Sanag. Many asked for government intervention as well as aid. There were a few more callers this week from southern regions Bay and Bakool. Generally, the calls reflected concerns over water shortages, sick or dying livestock, disease, displacement, and food shortages. In addition, callers from Togdher and Sanag reported invasions of locusts. The following summarises the calls by theme.
Drought and water shortage – callers from various parts of Togdher described water shortage and prolonged drought. A caller from Dadmaren said the last rainfall they had was during Ramadan in April 2021. A caller in Buhodle said neither government nor aid agencies had come to help them, adding that they had no market for their livestock. A caller in El-Sheikh said they had no livestock left. There were many callers from Sool this week. One of them in Aynabo said the government had neglected them in the east and was focusing only on western regions. A caller in Boame said they faced drought and diseases. Other said food was short. An Islamic schoolteacher in Waridad said water was short and prices had escalated. In Sanag, a female caller in Wadajir said their livestock were dying due to lack of water. A caller in Goof described water and food shortages and rising prices, and also complained of lack of schools in the area. Another in Sanag said they lacked water and were in a neglected area between Somaliland and Puntland. In Marodi-Jeh, a female caller said the drought was bad and they were suffering from disease outbreaks. In Puntland, a caller in Karkar, Bari, said they had trekked with their livestock and found pasture but no water. A pastoralist from Nugal said they had migrated to Jariban in Mudug but their animals were dying due to drought. Callers from across Galgadud spoke of lack of water, fodder, and food, and rising prices. A caller in Dibira said the generators pumping water at the wells had broken down. Callers in Balanbale said the drought effects were being exacerbated by conflict there. A female caller in Guriel said they were IDPs living in camps and were worried about the water shortage. Another IDP caller in Baidoa said the drought had left them destitute. Callers in Burhakaba spoke of drought and water shortage and people migrating away. Callers in Bakool said drought had led to water and food shortage and they needed aid. Callers in parts of Gedo said they were losing their livestock to the drought.
Food security – there were some specific calls about lack of food and rising prices, other than the calls above. A caller in Awdinle, Togdher, said they had access to borehole water but there was a food shortage in the area. In Bosaso, a caller said businesses were exploiting consumers and the government must regulate the rising prices. One caller in Abudwak said they had water but were concerned by escalating food prices.
Locusts – callers in Sanag and Togdher spoke of swarms of locusts invading their land and farms. Callers said their farm produce and vegetation were being destroyed. Some asked for locust control intervention by the authorities or agencies. There was also one call from Mudug and one from Beletweyne reporting locust invasions.