This update provides information on the protection environment in Somalia, including apparent violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law as reported during the last two weeks through the IASC Somalia Protection Cluster monitoring systems. Incidents mentioned in this report are not exhaustive. They are intended to highlight credible reports to inform and prompt programming and advocacy initiatives by the humanitarian community and national authorities.
Clan tensions resumed between Sool, Sanag Clan militias (SSC), including Dhulbahante clan militias and Somaliland forces in Buuhoodle district of Togdheer region after the Somaliland military launched an attack against the SSC militias and captured Buuhoodle town. The fighting resulted in a number of civilian casualties and over 2,000 displacements mainly within Buuhoodle district. Reports suggest that the majority of IDPs returned to their villages when the fighting ended.
Following the tensions in Buuhoodle, the Somaliland forces were deployed in parts of Sool region to prevent Dhulbahante clan members from declaring a separate clan administration in the area, which could be perceived by Somaliland authorities as prejudicial to Somaliland’s sovereignty. Following the deployment, members of the Dhulbahante clan demonstrated in favour of creating a separate administration in Laas Canood town, but were faced with a police crackdown. Reports indicate that four civilians were wounded and over 60 people were arrested and detained by the Somaliland security forces.