BRCiS initiated the monitoring of nutritional status within the beneficiaries of its Safety Net pilot cash transfer programme to help evaluate the impact of its resilience programming and to contribute to the monitoring of the evolving crisis in Somalia.
Evidence for Change (e4c), a humanitarian research and learning generation organisation was contracted to provide technical support for this work. This is the second report on the collection of MUAC data, and covers the period up to 4 January 2022.
Nutritional Monitoring in the BRCiS Safety Net Pilot Population Report on Data Collection up to January 2022 Report issued: 10/01/2022 The Building Resilient Communities in Somalia consortium (BRCiS) is comprised of eight partner NGOs and is led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). BRCiS has initiated the monitoring of nutritional status within the beneficiaries of its Safety Net pilot cash transfer programme to help evaluate the impact of its resilience programming and to contribute to the monitoring of the evolving crisis in Somalia. Evidence for Change (e4c), a humanitarian research and learning generation organisation was contracted to provide technical support for this work. This is the second report on the collection of MUAC data, and covers the period up to January 4 2022. MUAC measurement was introduced as a pilot during round 5 of Safety Net post-distribution monitoring data collection and expanded into two new areas in round 6.