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Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring System (NMS) - Synthesis Report (July 2022- April 2023)



Somalia faced a prolonged and serious drought during 2022 and into early 2023. The effects of this, combined with conflict and outbreaks of infectious diseases, are still being seen at the current time.

The emergency continues with long-term impacts on the nutrition and health status of the population.
The Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring System (NMS) 2022/2023 project was funded from July 2022 to provide regular updates about the situation of vulnerable groups that have been internally displaced in southern Somalia. It has done this by identifying and sampling IDP sites in locations where newly displaced populations are known to aggregate in times of crisis. These locations included Kahda and Daynille in Banadir, Baidoa, Dinsoor, Galkayo, Kismayo, and Dollow. The NMS has produced six reports that have tracked the health and nutrition situation of these sampled IDP populations.1 The Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring System (NMS) is a health and nutrition sentinel site surveillance system. The NMS approach is based on long-standing good practice in public health and humanitarian response, working with an established network of CHW to conduct household visits and collect data. It uses a network of partners and their CHW to collect data at household level from purposively selected IDP sites. It was first set up in response to the 2017 emergency by UCL and Concern Worldwide. Using this approach, it has been possible to collect and disseminate timely data on the 2017, the COVID-19, and the 2022-2023 emergencies.

The objectives of the NMS during the 2022-2023 emergency were to:

  1. Provide ongoing, near real-time, data on the evolution of the crisis,

  2. Detect and describe current and emerging threats to health and nutrition,

  3. Determine the coverage and adequacy of the humanitarian response.

In this report we compile the results obtained during the 6 rounds of data collection conducted between July 2022 and April 2023, and present some additional analysis and interpretation.