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NRC Somalia Country Office Programme Update No. 3 (31st July 2024)


Key Highlights

• Ongoing conflict, clan violence, and climatic shocks in Somalia have displaced 319,014 people from January to July 2024, with 72,418 affected by evictions. Armed conflict and insecurity have displaced approximately 149,000 people since January. Recent military operations in Jubaland displaced 5,769 more, with many arriving near Kismayo.

• FEWSnet's July update warns severe food insecurity in Somalia, driven by poor crop production, flooding, and conflict. Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and Crisis (IPC Phase 3) levels are expected in many regions through early 2025.
Over 3.8 million displaced people are heavily relying on negative coping strategies due to reduced food assistance caused by funding shortages.

• Despite some recovery in pastoral areas, ongoing challenges from past droughts, low livestock productivity, and anticipated below-average deyr rains due to La Niña are likely to worsen food insecurity. Urgent and sustained humanitarian intervention is needed.

• In response to the AWD/cholera outbreak, NRC Somalia's SIDA-RRM programme distributed hygiene kits to 4,500 households in Garowe, Qardho, Kismayo, and Jowhar, benefiting over 27,000 people. Additionally, 37 latrines, including 10 for PLWs, were constructed in Kismayo. Trained hygiene promoters conducted outreach through home visits, community gatherings, and schools.

• NRC Somalia overall programme assisted 274,245 people, with 65% being female. Of these, 190,113 individuals were reached through an integrated first-line emergency response. In July 2024 alone, NRC's emergency response supported 30,826 people, including 15,362 females and 15,464 males.

• The2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan which requires US$1.6 billion is just 32 per cent funded. Additional funds are required to urgently meet the needs of the affected people.