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Somalia + 2 more

Mid-Year Monitoring Report: 2015 Humanitarian Response Plan - Somalia (Covering January to June 2015)



Priority Needs

• Acute food insecurity and high levels of malnutrition: 3 million people are in need of life-saving assistance and livelihood support, of which 731,000 are unable to meet their basic food requirements. 203,000 children are acutely malnourished, with around 38,000 of these children at risk of death without health and nutrition support.

• Increased levels of forced evictions and appalling living conditions for internally displaced people: Over 1.1 million internally displaced people in overcrowded settlements have limited access to protection and basic services and are at high risk of diseases. The internally displaced are further affected by continued forced evictions, with more than 96,000 people evicted in the first five months of 2015.

• Worrying health conditions: Acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) and measles continue to threaten the lives of Somalis.

• Influx of people fleeing the conflict in Yemen to Somalia: Over 20,000 people fleeing the conflict in Yemen have arrived in Somalia. This influx stretches existing response capacity and compounds the already fragile situation.

Key achievements toward Strategic Objectives

• An estimated 658,000 Somalis or over 23 per cent of the 2.8 million target beneficiaries were assisted and protected through various interventions.

• Countrywide acute malnutrition levels were lowered from 14.9 to 12 per cent.
However, levels remain persistently high among internally displaced people.

• The number of people unable to meet their minimum food needs reduced to 731,000 from over 1 million six months ago, mainly due to a combination of good rains and sustained humanitarian assistance.

• No polio cases have been reported in the last six months as a result of concerted vaccination campaigns against polio since 2014. This means the outbreak phase is likely to be declared over, although the risk of importation exists. (Note: To regain polio-free status, no cases of polio should be reported for three years).

Actions to be taken

• Scale up food security and livelihood activities.

• Increase assistance to people affected by forced evictions and invest in potential areas of returns to augment their absorptive capacity.

• Strengthen humanitarian and development linkages focusing on durable solutions for internally displaced people, resilience and provision of basic services such as health and water.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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