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MAASO001 Annual report 2011


This report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 2011

In brief

Programme outcome:

In line with the aims of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) Strategy 2020, the Somali Red Crescent Society’s (SRCS’) 2011 support programme aims at contributing to saving lives, protecting livelihoods and strengthening recovery from disasters (drought) through scaling up health and nutrition services, rehabilitating water sources and distributing non-food items to drought affected populations.

Programme summary:

Following the failure of the Deyr rainy season (October-December 2010) and the GU rainy season (April-June 2011), the SRCS country plan for 2011 was scaled up to respond to the severe drought situation in Puntland and Somaliland. This scaling up aimed at reinforcing the core programmes in health and disaster management to improve the livelihoods of drought affected populations in these areas, addressing their needs in health, nutrition, water and sanitation, as well as non-food items.

SRCS, through its integrated health care programme, comprising a network of 74 stationary clinics across the 19 regions of Somalia, contributed significantly to the improvement of the health status of the most vulnerable population. In Somaliland and Puntland, 10 new mobile clinics were deployed in addition to the four old ones to increase the coverage to drought affected areas. Together with the 30 stationary clinics, these increased the scope and quality of health services provided to the nomadic communities and internally displaced people (IDPs) in these areas.

The National Society supported drought affected communities to improve their access to water for both human and livestock consumption through the rehabilitation and maintenance of berkets (earth pans), borehole and water catchments; provision of generators, submersible pumps and fittings; provision of fuel subsidy; along with distribution of water filters, hygiene and sanitation tools to the affected communities.

Non-food items comprising tarpaulins, blankets, jerry cans, kitchen sets and soap were included in the response activities to address the immediate needs of communities newly displaced by the drought. A school feeding programme in which dry food rations were distributed to 11 schools and orphanages in Bari, Mudug and Nugal regions of Puntland was initiated to keep children in schools and reduce drop out cases due to lack of food. Further, the accommodation in Beyra school/orphanage in Mudug region was improved by construction of a separate dormitory for girls and provision of beddings and mosquito nets.

In an effort to increase the storage capacity for food received from WFP, IFRC supported SRCS’ Bosaso branch in Puntland to build two stores in two clinic locations for distribution of food to pregnant and lactating women and children up to the age of two. In partnership with WFP, storage capacity has been built in seven stationary clinics in Somaliland for the storage of food rations provided by WFP.

Community based health promotion activities were conducted by trained community health volunteers adopting the community based health and first aid (CBHFA) and participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST) approaches. Activities were carried out adopting an integrated programming approach, linking health care interventions with disaster management, organisational development and promotion of Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, along with humanitarian values.

Organizational development activities focused on governance support and the provision of technical and managerial support to the two SRCS coordination offices and leadership in Nairobi, Kenya. Support was also provided to the SRCS executive committee to organize its meetings in addition to facilitation of the SRCS annual planning meeting. The promotion of principles and values was integrated in all SRCS programmes.