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Kismaayo Mapping Exercise (May 2016)



The largest city of Jubaland is Kismaayo, which is situated on the coast near the mouth of the Juba River. The Lower and Middle Juba regions comprise the districts of Kismaayo, Jilib,
Jamaame, Hagar, Afmadow, Badaadhe, Bua'ale and Sakow. They have a combined area of 1085sq Kms with a coastline of 530 Kms. The regions are bordered on the south by Kenya, on the north by the Gedo region, Bay and Lower Shabelle regions, with an estimated population of 852,228 people (Population Estimation Survey of Somalia (PESS) 2013-2014). The IDP population in Jubaland is estimated to be 135,000 IDPs (UNHCR total IDPs per region report, September 2014). Kismaayo is believed to have the largest IDP population in the region mostly located in Farjano and Fanole areas.
Recent IDPs profiling conducted by NRC indicated that there are 6,059 IDPs households in Kismaayo towns in 80 settlements. Kismaayo, the second largest city in South - central Somalia has been devastated by civil conflict, floods, famine and the prolonged presence of Al Shabaab, until October 2012. IDPs in Kismaayo are mostly from Lower Shabelle, Middle and Lower Juba, Banadir, Gedo and Bay. The majority of the IDPS are of Bantu origin.

This mapping exercise was launched by the Shelter Cluster and targets only the IDP settlements in the area called Dalxiiska, which is located to the Northern part of Kismaayo.
This report therefore only provides data on Dalxiiska and is not representative of all the IDP settlements in Kismaayo.

This fact-sheet presents an analysis of primary data collected by NRC, IOM, UNHCR, WRRS,
HAPPEN and ARC during the month of May 2016. The collection of data was closely supervised by the Shelter Cluster in Somalia.

The objective of the infrastructure mapping exercise is to provide a useful and timely ‘snapshot’ of the IDP settlements in Lower JubaKismaayo region, Kismaayo district and in the city of Kismaayo, with a main aim to map out the basic services that IDPs can access in their respective settlements. This factsheet does not aim to provide detailed programmatic information; rather it is designed to share with a broad audience a concise overview of the current situation in this area. In total, 1526 gps points were taken during the exercise, of which facilities.

Settlements in Somalia generally are divided into numerous ‘umbrellas’. Each umbrella is made up of multiple IDP settlements. Umbrella leaders are responsible for the oversight and management of the settlements. Each of the settlements generally have an elected leader or ‘gatekeeper’ responsible for multiple IDP settlements and landowner engagement.
Settlements in Somalia are often divided by natural land boundaries belonging to one or more landowner.

The report takes into account several key limitations in the collection of data:

  • Due to budget restrictions and the short time-scale, general data on each settlement was collected through one or two key informant interviews (KII).3 39% of all KII were female.

  • Due to security restrictions and the capacity of field staff, the methodology used for average shelter density was limited to 0 case-studies and random sampling in the other settlements.

  • Data collected may reflect both IDP and host community needs.

  • Other approaches based on probability sampling, including cluster and area sampling4 , were considered but were not used due to budget restrictions and nonavailability of updated Satellite imagery.
    Emphasis was given to collecting reliable GPS data for the perimeter, density and facility purposes, which resulted in less representative data at the household level.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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