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Humanitarian Dashboard - Somalia, January 2012



  • While the famine situation has eased, approximately 2.34 million people (31%of the population) still need life-saving assistance in Somalia, according to FSNAU report of 3 February 2012.

  • 1.7 million people (73 % of people in crisis) are in southern Somalia. They need food, clean water, shelter, and other assistance to survive.

  • The improved situation is a result of the exceptional harvest following the Deyr rains, the associated reduction in commodity prices, as well as the massive scale up in humanitarian assistance. However, the crisis is expected to deteriorate in May 2012, particularly in the Juba, Shabelle and Bay regions, when the benefit of the current harvest will be reduced.

  • Malnutrition and mortality remain at unacceptable levels in many regions, with mortality rates still among the highest in the world. Acute malnutrition levels remain higher than 20% in many areas, and particularly in Lower Juba and Bakool.

  • An estimated 325,000 acutely malnourished children are in need of specialized nutritional treatment services, 70% of whom are in the South.

  • Coastal populations remain in emergency (IPC Phase 4) due to loss of livestock. Parts of Middle Shabelle, Lower Juba, Hiraan, Middle Juba, the riverine areas of Gedo and the Mogadishu IDPs remain in humanitarian emergency. IDPs in Bossaso, Garowe, Galkayo, and Kismaayo are also in humanitarian emergency.

  • There are currently 1,356,000 IDPS in Somalia according to new UNHCR estimates.

  • Armed conflict between the TFG, Kenyan and Ethiopian forces against Al Shabaab continued throughout January in parts of southern Somalia, hampering access to populations in need. The most affected regions were Lower Juba and Gedo.

  • Response operations were severely affected by the November 2011 Al Shabaab ban on the operations of 16 UN agencies and international NGOs from areas under their control. Areas most affected are Middle Shabelle, Hiraan, Lower Shabelle, Lower Juba, Bay, Middle Juba, Galgaduud and Mudug.

  • Al Shabaab banned the operations of ICRC from Somalia in January 2012, affecting its massive food assistance programme, as well as health and water programmes.

  • TFG ruled that IDPs living in public buildings in Mogadishu be moved, and evictions commenced in January.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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