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Humanitarian Dashboard - Somalia December 2011



  • Four million people are in urgent need of humanitarian aid in Somalia while most of southern Somalia is in humanitarian emergency.

  • Malnutrition and mortality remain at unacceptable levels in many regions and needs are expected to remain high until the third quarter of 2012.

  • Rains subsided in early December in most parts of Somalia, resulting in improved road and port conditions.

  • Fighting between Al Shabaab militants and Kenyan forces in southern Somalia continued through December causing displacement and affecting agricultural activities. The most affected regions were Lower Juba and Gedo.

  • Response operations were severely affected by the Al Shabaab ban on the operations of 16 UN agencies and international NGOs from areas under their control in southern Somalia.

  • Limited access remains the most critical issue affecting humanitarian activities in southern Somalia.

  • UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, visited Mogadishu in a show of solidarity of the United Nations and the broader international community.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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