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Horn of Africa and Somalia: Operation ATALANTA, EUTM and EUCAP Somalia’s mandates extended for two years

The Council today decided to prolong the mandate of the EU Naval Force Operation ATALANTA and ofthe EU's military training mission in Somalia (EUTM Somalia) until 28 February 2027, adding to its decision of 5 December to prolong the mandate of the EU's civilian capacity-building mission (EUCAP Somalia) until the same date. These decisions were taken following the holistic strategic review of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) engagement in Somalia and the Horn of Africa, with the aim to strengthen the EU’s response to an evolving security context and to enhance its role as a maritime security provider.

At the same time, the Council updated the mandate of Operation ATALANTA to enhance maritime security off the coast of Somalia, in the Gulf of Aden, the West Indian Ocean and parts of the Red Sea, and better support building a wider regional maritime security architecture. With the new mandate, the Operation will continue to fight piracy and reduce illicit trafficking at sea. Synergies with the maritime Operation ASPIDES, currently protecting merchant shipping in the Red Sea, will be enhanced. In parallel, the Maritime Security Center (MSC) Horn of Africa, supporting both ATALANTA and ASPIDES, is being rebranded as MSC Indian Ocean and its role is being reinforced.

In Somalia, the EU’s CSDP action was widened to support the build-up of Somali Security Forces and institutions with the view to take over responsibility for its own security in the future, in line with the Joint EU-Somalia Roadmap. With the renewed mandates, EUCAP Somalia and EUTM Somalia will support the build-up of capable, sustainable, and accountable Somali security institutions through strategic advice, mentoring and training, accompanied by EU-funded equipment support through the European Peace Facility. To strengthen the regional approach, the missions and the operation will support capacity-building efforts of the regional and, in particular, Djibouti maritime security forces within their means and capabilities.

In order to uphold the EU’s core values, all activities will pay particular attention to international humanitarian law, human rights, preventing gender-based violence, protecting children in armed conflicts, and promoting the agenda of women, peace and security and climate, security and defence.


Operation ATALANTA

Since its establishment in late 2008 in response to the rising levels of piracy in the Western Indian Ocean, Operation ATALANTA has significantly contributed to the suppression of piracy, as well as the protection of the vessels of the World Food Programme (WFP), African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and other international vulnerable shipping. The Operation deters, prevents and when needed represses acts of piracy thus reducing the threat to the international maritime community. Additionally, the Operation has monitored the fishing activities off the coast of Somalia (outside Somali territorial sea) and supported other EU CSDP missions and international organisations working to strengthen maritime security and capacities in the region.

EUCAP Somalia

Launched in July 2012 as EUCAP Nestor, EUCAP Somalia currently contributes to advising, training and equipping the Federal Somali Police Force to contribute to the gradual establishment of the Rule of Law in Somalia. In addition, EUCAP Somalia assists Somalia in strengthening its maritime security capacity in order to enable it to enforce maritime law more effectively. EUCAP Somalia cooperates with EUTM Somalia to contribute to the development of the Somali Navy and Coast Guard, in relation to civilian coastguard functions.

EUTM Somalia

EUTM Somalia implements its mandate utilizing a three-pillar approach that focuses on training, mentoring and the provision of strategic advice to the Somali National Armed Forces. Throughout the years, the EU training mission has refocused its tasks, and sets out to support the internal development of specialised functions such as leadership, command & control, counter-IED, medical care, and logistics. EUTM Somalia contributes to an intensive training programme at the General Daghabadan Training Center near Mogadishu. In close cooperation with the European Peace Facility, EUTM Somalia provides advice on Somali National Armed Forces needs and training courses for new equipment.