Waajid district is located in Bakool region of South West State of Somalia. Waajid is the third most populous district in Bakool region after Xudur and Tayeeglow.
Agency for Minority Rights and Development (AMARD) Protection Unit conducted a GBV rapid assessment to better understand the challenges to the safety and security of the female IDP population living in four (4) camps namely Al amin IDP, Towfiiq IDP, Tawakal IDP, Elbon IDP and their immediate communities.
Basing analysis on day today lifestyle of women and girls’ camps e.g routine when they head to collect firewood or to earn an income to meet the family’s basic needs (including girls access to schools) has been identified as one of the major risks contributing to insecurity of women and cases of GBV. Adult women and adolescent girls recounted cases of rape, attempted rape, sexual abuse and harassment.
Key findings from the assessment also highlight a high prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Female genital mutilation and early marriage.
Like in most parts of Somalia, incidents of GBV are mainly discussed and solved through customary mechanisms and issues of GBV remain generally unspoken due to taboo and fear of stigmatization. As a consequence, reporting of GBV cases is very low.
Referring to the findings of the rapid assessment, this report analyses the condition of the female IDP population of the four (4) camps in relation to the risks of GBV and offers some recommendations to prevent violence against women and girls.
The major GBV risks cited by respondents is the threat of sexual violence. Need for Health services to mitigate issues relating to distant from the IDP locations beneficiaries live. Major gaps in GBV services includes lack of safe alternatives (especially for women affected by various forms of GBV) and security services in the camps.