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GBV Brief: January-July 2024


In the early months of 2024, Somalia's humanitarian landscape has been significantly shaped by El Nino-induced floods and intensified advocacy for enhanced funding and human resources in gender-based violence (GBV) response. These factors have underscored GBV as a critical issue amid ongoing displacement, harsh living conditions, and overcrowding in internally displaced persons (IDP) sites. Women and girls face increased risks due to unsafe travel, declining family incomes, and food insecurity, leading to higher vulnerability to rape, intimate partner violence (IPV), and other forms of exploitation. The GBVIMS reports indicate a decrease in rape incidents from 21% to 14% in the first quarter, and from 15% to 10% in the second quarter of 2024, while IPV rates have fluctuated, showing a slight increase from 37% to 40% in the first quarter and a decrease from 52% to 48% in the second quarter, reflecting the ongoing and evolving nature of GBV challenges.