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FSNAU Nutrition Update: November 2017



The 2017 Deyr season nutrition assessment among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the main settlements and two urban areas shows Critical prevalence of acute malnutrition (Global Acute Malnutrition-GAM ≥ 15%) in 5 out of 15 population groups surveyed in November: Qardho IDPs, Galkacyo IDPs, Garowe, Mogadishu IDPs and Baidoa IDPs - see Map 1 and Table 2.

However, the nutrition situation among IDPs in Baidoa, Dhusmareeb Hargeisa and Berbera has shown statistically significant improvement since June 2017 (Gu season). The 2017 Deyr assessment results for IDPs in Mogadishu, Dolow and Bossaso also reflect decreases in GAM and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) prevalence since 2017 Gu although these changes are not statistically significant.

Assessment Overview

FSNAU and partners conducted joint Nutrition and Food security assessment among 15 population groups (13 IDP and two urban) across Somalia in November 2017 (Table 1). The objective of the assessments was to monitor the nutrition situation of IDPs in the 13 main IDP settlements and in selected urban areas (Mogadishu and Kismayo) as part of FSNAU’s biannual surveillance activities.

A two-stage probability proportionate to size (PPS) cluster sampling protocol, based on SMART Methodology was used, with the exception of Qardho, Berbera and Dhusamareb IDP settlements where sampling was exhaustive. Retrospective mortality data for 136 days prior to the assessments was also collected among all sampled households. Mortality, food security and nutritional data was collected concurrently from the same households. Variables (anthropometric and all other contextual indicators) and mortality were entered using EPI info soft 3.5.4 and ENA SMART software (July 9th, 2015 version), respectively. For quality assurance, enumerators and supervisors received five days of training prior to data collection. During the field work, anthropometric dataset were checked on a daily basis using ENA SMART software plausibility parameters.

GAM was estimated using World Health Organization growth standards, while Crude Death Rates (CDRs) and Under-Five Death Rates (U5DR) for children less than 5 years of age were calculated using the most recent population estimates available (UNDP PESS, 2014; CCCM DSA in Baidoa). The event used to calculate the recall period for the 2017 Deyr mortality assessment among IDP/urban populations was the beginning of Eidul Fitir religious holiday (i.e. 25 June 2017). Nutrition status of a total of 10 271 children (6-59 months) drawn from 7 412 households was assessed among 13 IDPs and two urban settlements covered in the 2017 Deyr assessment.