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Enhancing the Somali Livestock Trade (ESOLT)



Improve the livelihoods and enhance the resilience to shocks and disasters of livestock-dependent households in Somalia, specifically by enhancing market access of Somali livestock and livestock products.

Beneficiaries reached:

  • 250 000 pastoralist, agro-pastoralist and other livestock-dependent households.

Activities implemented:

  • Upscaled livestock marketing information systems.

  • Raised value chain actors’ awareness of quality standards and developed beneficiaries’ capacity to meet them.

  • Promoted Somali livestock and livestock products in local, regional and international markets.

  • Piloted grading and branding of Somali livestock commodities for local, regional and international markets.

  • Constructed or rehabilitated marketing and animal handling infrastructure.

  • Promoted value-addition in Somali livestock commodities.

  • Developed capacity for compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures, welfare, food safety and quality standards.

  • Strengthened the veterinary service’s regulatory capacity to supervise and regulate quarantine operations.

  • Coordinated the functions of Somali livestock value chain actors.

  • Facilitated coordination mechanisms for Somali institutions and counterparts with importing countries.

  • Developed strategies for improved marketing of Somali livestock and livestock products.


  • Contributed to international business opportunities across the Near East for the sale of organic honey, animal bones, large fresh and frozen meat shipments and USD 4 million’s worth of frozen goat carcasses.

  • Fostered increased trust and competitiveness in Somali livestock and livestock products.

  • Contributed to the improved quality of livestock products and the expected increase in returns from the livestock trade.

  • Supported the coordination of the functions of Somali livestock value chain actors, strengthening the capacity of livestock organizations and key sectoral stakeholders.