Key messages
The food security outlook has improved marginally compared to September 2013 but a significant part of the population is living in precarious conditions and remains at risk of sliding back into crisis. The nutrition situation for children under five remains very critical, particularly in the southern regions worst hit by famine in 2011.
Somalia’s 1.1 million displaced people are in a particularly vulnerable situation; 75% of those unable to meet their household food needs are also displaced and often face violence, discrimination and abuse.
Conflict and violence continue to cause displacement and disrupt agriculture and markets, with negative consequences on the food security situation.
Operating conditions in Somalia are extremely difficult, and aid workers face security threats and restrictions to access the people most in need, rendering it more important than ever to fully apply and respect the humanitarian principles in any intervention.
Today’s humanitarian situation is similar to conditions prior to the 2011 famine – numbers are showing slight improvements but resources are dwindling and access remains a challenge.