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Eastern Africa regional programmes Appeal No MAA64001 Report 2006 - 2007


This report covers the period of 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2007 for the 2006-2007 Appeal.

In brief

Programme summary: Disaster Management programme: Special attention was given to preparedness and risk reduction in terms of training, contingency planning, partnerships and forums for information sharing and early warning. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the implementation of climate change initiatives in the Zone was concluded with the RCRC Climate Change Centre in Netherlands. In addition, a joint annual planning forum was held in collaboration with the Health and Care Department.

Health and care: In general, there was a scale up of interventions by the National Societies in the areas of public health, HIV and AIDS, and water and sanitation through support from the health and care programme. Partnerships in public health allowed a common approach to planning malaria and measles control interventions in the region, while ensuring increased and sustained coverage. The Federation's partnership with the Network of African People Living with HIV/AIDS (NAP+) improved access to anti retroviral treatment (ART) at regional level as well as stigma and discrimination reduction through anti stigma campaigns. Support from the African Caribbean Pacific-European Union (ACP-EU) Water Facility will ensure the expansion of water and sanitation programming in the region. The Eastern Africa Zonal Global Alliance on HIV programme development was initiated to be launched in February 2008. The programme involves nine National Societies in the Eastern African Zone.

Communications: Focus was on strengthening the capacity and skills of National Societies communications departments, particularly by supporting their endeavours to formulate their own communications plans, policies and strategies based on the Regional Communications Framework and the Secretariat's communications and advocacy strategy from 2006.

Needs: Total 2006-2007 budget CHF 5,387,472 (USD 4,478,364 or EUR 3,277,051) out of which 100 percent covered.

For more detailed information on 2006-7 activities, please refer to:

Programme Update no. 1:

Programme Update no. 2:

Report 2006-2007 (2006):

Programme Update no. 3:

Our partners: The Zone worked closely with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as Partner National Societies (PNSs) during programme implementation across the region. Close partnerships were also fostered with United Nations agencies, development partners, and community-based, government and international humanitarian agencies.

Current context

Major disasters in 2006-2007 included floods, cyclones and epidemics such as cholera, Rift Valley Fever and meningitis. Major socio-economic challenges included conflicts in Somalia and population movements in Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. In response to the disasters, National Societies in the respective countries supported the affected populations by launching Appeals and requesting for Disaster Relief Emergency Funds from the Federation Secretariat. The Eastern African Zone Office participated in the development of a five-year Draft (2008-2012) Food Security Programme Framework and plan of action which will be launched in April 2008 in Addis Ababa.

The implementation of the Regional Communications/Humanitarian Values (HV) programme in 2007 went according to plan despite delayed disbursement of funds and the inevitable and prolonged disruptions associated with the zonalization process. With only one full-time staff (and periodically a part-time consultant), the unit constantly needs to prioritize - which helps keep the focus on the most important and most do-able activities.

Contact information

For further information on this Appeal, contact:

In Kenya: Dr Asha Mohammed, Federation Head of Eastern Africa Zone, Nairobi; email:; telephone: +; fax +

In Geneva: Sabine Feuglet, Federation Entry point for East Africa, email:; Telephone: +41 22 730 44 27; Fax: +41 22 733 03 95