Key Highlights during this epi-week 49.
82% (344 out of 421) of health facilities submitted their weekly surveillance summary reports. This has increased from 79% for epi-week 48. This is above the expected completeness rate of 80%. This increase in the reporting rate is attributed to the rollout of IDSR cascade training in FMS and BRA.
Completeness of reporting is the highest in Jubaland State (96%) whereas the lowest report rate in this week is in the Southwests State (61%) – The Completeness rates are the number of expected facilities reporting to e-IDSR Weekly report and actual report we received in this week.
Suspected cases were reported for AWD/Cholera (1200), Acute jaundice syndrome (7), AEFI (5), Dysentery (405), Measles (228), Meningitis (6), Whooping Cough (82), ILI (1501), SARI (1465), Typhoid (462),
Diphtheria (16), and Neonatal Tetanus (7), and Confirmed cases of Malaria (78). -
Currently, there are 2 confirmed disease outbreaks (AWD/Cholera, and Measles). In this regard all the suspected and confirmed cases were reported from the following administrative regions: AWD/Cholera (Bay, Banadir, Gedo, Lower Juba, Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabelle Regions), and Measles (Bakool, Bay,
Banadir, Galgaduud, Gedo, Hiiraan, Mudug, Lower Juba, Lower Shabelle and Middle Shabelle regions). -
During week 49, the public health laboratories at both national and state levels reported 12 confirmed cases of measles, 10 confirmed cases of Cholera and 1 confirmed case of seasonal Influenza.